This little cap is so easy to make a perfect companion to the jiffy gown. Betty, helped me by drafting a pattern which I will share. Makes it a lot easier to sew up if you don't have to measure each time you want to make one.
The first one I made was a test, so I used eyelet instead of lace. I think it gives it a more casual look.Supplies you will need for making this bonnet:
1/2 yard of a light weight fabric.
1 yd. of 1/2" wide white beading lace
1/2 yd of 3" wide white lace, scalloped on one edge.
2 yd of 1/4" wide double faced white satin ribbon
2 1/2 yards 5/8" double faced white satin ribbon
Embroidery floss
The pattern is marked on 1" squares. There is a 5/8" seam allowance down the sides to the dots. Then across the back again to the dots. You are leaving a small section open on each side.
Thread ribbon through the beading, enough to cover the trimmed lace, then pin to the lace only 1/2" back from the front folded edge of the bonnet. Again trim to match the sides the same as the in place ONLY to the lace piece.
Now trim the sides to only 1/4" and turn under to match bonnet edges, Turn under the raw edge of the lace. Sew a rectangle starting at the edge across the front of the bonnet fold, down the side and across the back then the last side.
For the back of the bonnet sew beading to the back edge. Be sure both stitching at top and the bottom of the centered beading is on the bonnet and trim to 1/4" on the ends.
All that is left now is the FRENCH SEAM along those angles corners, this makes the back so cute. Thread ribbon through this beading and draw up to gather.
Let your imagination run wild with this little cap. Try the lace or eyelet make the lace top wider or narrower. Maybe contrast ribbon? or how about a printed cap?
Now, just add your ties and you are all done with another quick little gift. Again use your imagination while attaching the ribbons, maybe use some rosettes?