Thursday, August 4, 2016

Organizing paper (ugh)

I like things to be organized, I am just not good at getting them that way.

Paper, is a necessary product in my mind. Every time I am on the computer I am hitting the print button and that leads up to a lot of paper.   Sewing tips, decorating tips, recipes all need to be printed off and saved. 
           Or clipped from magazines

          Which adds up to even more paper.

I had followed the File--Don't pile method
and since moving all the papers in the file cabinet, was taken out and  'Piled' in boxes.  So it all had to be dealt with again.

              This is how I feel!

 so here is the cabinet that needs to be dealt with.

             Here is the book that
             will make it happen.

It is a different way of organizing paper. But it works for me.  It is not a leaf through book but offers a guide to a systematic approach  on how to organize paper.
              A good start

Check amazon if you are interested in this book.  some people are born organized, some of us need help. File don't pile


  1. This is interesting, I need to check it out, thanks!

  2. I used to be a big one for printing and organising everything into binders. However I found that I just never went back to the binders, often spending plenty of time pulling the pages back out of the sleeves years later because they no longer were applicable any more.

    So now I tend to save things into Evernote, I know it does not have quite the feel of paper, but I find I am more likely to refer back to it.

    1. Thank you Kim, what a great suggestion. Paper is the necessary evil in my life.
