Saturday, April 6, 2013

Flower or Weed?

What do you see? Flowers or weeds?  I know these little yellow flowers can be invasive, and don't really care where they grow.
When, a small hand filled with gold reaches up and say's "Here Grandma, these are for you" I see the most beautiful bouquet in the world.
  I was so sad when I heard my granddaughter had picked a bouquet for her teacher, and the teacher told her "those are just weeds"
The teacher missed out on seeing the beauty of a gift given by a precious child that did see the beauty.

I hope you see a beautiful flower.


  1. That's terrible, shame on that teacher. To tell a child that isn't right. As a grandmother that really bothers me. Never never do that to a child. They are beautiful flowers.

  2. I would put them in my hair when my kids brought them to me. lol Isn't it wonderful to see the world through the eyes of a child. That teacher really missed out. Her loss.

  3. How sad that the teacher didn't see the love that child was giving her. That was a gift from the heart.

  4. Little four year old Taylor was visiting this summer and brought me a "beautiful fluffy flower, dontcha think, Grandma". I still have that dandelion sprig all beautiful white fluff on my kitchen shelf in a safe place near the sink. He noticed I still had his flower when they visited last week.
